2024 Great Global Greyhound Walk

19 September 2024
The Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) is excited to announce its participation in the 2024 Great Global Greyhound Walk, a worldwide initiative celebrating greyhounds, lurchers, and other sighthounds. This annual event unites owners and their beloved hounds to raise awareness about these remarkable breeds and to highlight the affectionate and loyal companionship they offer as pets.
“We are excited to be part of this global celebration of greyhounds and sighthounds,” said GAP Rehoming Manager Lisa Kohler. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase these amazing animals and encourage more people to consider adopting a greyhound as a pet.”
The 2023 Great Global Greyhound Walk saw a record-breaking 11,818 sighthounds participating across 458 walks in 36 countries. This year, GAP will proudly host two walks in Queensland on Sunday, September 29, from 9 AM to 11 AM:
Brisbane: Rocks Riverside Park (Area 3 – The River), 531 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Seventeen Mile Rocks, 4073
Townsville: The Strand, North Ward, Townsville, 4810
“Greyhounds make wonderful companions,” added Ms Kohler. “They are gentle, affectionate, and loyal dogs that thrive in a loving home environment. We encourage everyone to come along to our walks and learn more about these amazing animals.”
Whether you’re a greyhound owner, a breed enthusiast, or simply curious about these gentle giants, we invite everyone to join us and be part of this global celebration. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow greyhound lovers and learn more about these amazing animals.
For more details, please visit the GAP website. You can also fill in an adoption application online and meet your new greyhound companion on the day.