Greyhound Welfare and the Five Freedoms

The Five Freedoms model was first introduced in a 1965 UK Government report on livestock husbandry, known as the Bramble Report. In 1979, the Five Freedoms were formalised in a press statement by the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council and, since then, have been adopted world-wide, including here in Australia, as a basic tool for identifying and assessing animal welfare needs. The Five Freedoms have also been used to help develop a new, more contemporary model known as the Five Domains. The Five Domains model provides a way of identifying and grading welfare.

Freedom from hunger and thirstOptimal nutrition
Freedom from discomfortEnriching environment that meets physical and mental needs
Freedom from pain, injury and diseaseGood health
Freedom to express normal behaviourNormal expression of behaviour
Freedom from fear and distressGood mental state

Learn more about greyhound welfare and the Five Domains.